Rob's CNC Router.

Janurary 24, 2010. I have been toying around with building a CNC router for a few years. Last year I built a machine of my own design that was a miserable failure. It was not a total loss, I did learn a lot of valuable lessons.

The current machine is a gantry style machine with dual drives in the X direction. The X and Y axis are rack and pinion drives. The Z axis uses a lead screw. The carriages and drive components were purchased from

The stepper motors and drivers came from

The power supply is variable linear power supply that is capable of 0 to 60 vdc @ 10 amps.

The router uses 6' rails in the X direction, a 4' rail in the Y direction, and an 18" rail in the Z. This provides a 64" x 40" x 14" area.

The rack and pinion drive from is a great system. I have been able to run this at 1300+ inches/minute. I plan to feed the router at around 100 inches/minute.

Here is a short video of the router in action.

Below are a few pictures of the machine.